Friday, 19 March 2010

Spring in the Garden

First Dafffodils

Over the past couple of weeks the Snowdrops and Crocus have made a good show in the garden. The theory is that a hard winter is good for the bulbs. Today the first Daffodils opened in both the back and front garden. Apparently they are three weeks later than last year!


I haven't done a lot of work int he garden as yet. I have raked and scarified (put holes in it) the lawn and put something on it to kill off the moss which is prevalent. I've also given it a dose of calcium - essentially little chalk balls which dissolve in the rain. After a couple of weeks I'll rake up the dead moss and weeds and sprinkle some grass around to get in good shape. I can do nothing with the front lawn as I've Daffodils growing through it and I'll wait til these have finished before doing anything.


In the beds in the new garden (a guerrilla garden - not strictly our space) I've hoed some weeds out and can now see some signs of life. Plenty of poppies just starting and the Lupins starting to come through too.


All the fruit trees are budding nicely as are the soft fruit bushes, the Roses and the Clematis. The Tulips are coming though too. It'll be interesting to see how these fare as they tend to get smaller and smaller in each successive year.


Inside I have some seeds in trays; Sweet-peas, Cosmos, Zinnia, Rubeckia and Basil. Maybe I'll do some more this w/e.

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